Published Articles by Shelby Gallien

Articles on Rifles and Gunmakers

“David Weller, an Early Kentucky Gunsmith,” Filson Club Historical Quarterly, Vol. 60, No.1, January 1985, p.5.

“Henry E. Leman, Last of the Great Lancaster Gunsmiths,” Gun Report, June 1991, Vol.37, #1, p.14.

“Jacob S. Paulmer, Master of Relief Carved Rifles in the Percussion Era,” Gun Report, March 1994, Vol.39, #10, p.20.

“A Southern ‘Bell’ of Unusual Beauty from Kentucky,” Muzzle Blasts, Feb.2002, Vol.63, #6, p.4.

“Washington Hatfield, Indiana’s Gunsmithing Legend, Part I,” Muzzle Blasts, Sept. 2003, Vol.65, #1, p.4.

“Washington Hatfield, Indiana’s Gunsmithing Legend, Part II,” Muzzle Blasts, Oct. 2003, Vol.65, #2, p.58.

“A Kentucky Relic from Montana’s High Plains,” Muzzle Blasts, March 2004, Vol.65, #17, p.62.

“John Small, Master Gunsmith of Old Vincennes [IN],” Gun Report, July 2004, Vol.50, #2, p.16.

“The Bardstown Rifles, Kentucky’s Crown Jewels,” Muzzle Blasts, Sept. 2004, Vol.66, #1, p.4.

“George Wareham, A Major Indiana Gunsmith from Ohio,” Gun Report, May 2006, Vol.51, #2, p.16.

“E.R. Hamilton Rifles of Bloomington, Indiana,” Muzzle Blasts, Jan. 2013, Vol.74, #5, p.45.

“Kentucky Gunmakers, a Brief Overview, Part I” Muzzle Blasts, June 2013, Vol.74, #10, p.47.

“Kentucky Gunmakers, a Brief Overview, Part II” Muzzle Blasts, July 2013, Vol.74, #11, P.37.

“The Gilston Duelers: Survivors of Kentucky’s Code Duelo,” Muzzle Blasts, April 2015, Vol.76, #8, p.6.

“New Discoveries Alter Old Perceptions of Indiana Gunsmith Washington Hatfield,”   Part I, Muzzle Blasts, July 2016, Vol.77, #11, p.63.

“New Discoveries Alter Old Perceptions of Indiana Gunsmith Washington Hatfield,”   Part II, Muzzle Blasts, August 2016, Vol.77, #12, p.53.

“John Shell, Legendary Kentucky Gunsmith: The Man and the Myth,” Part I; Muzzle Blasts, Nov. 2016, Vol.73, #3, p.5.

“John Shell, Legendary Kentucky Gunsmith: The Man and the Myth,” Part II; Muzzle Blasts, Dec. 2016, Vol.73, #4, p.63.

“John Shell, Legendary Kentucky Gunsmith: The Man and the Myth,” Part III; Muzzle Blasts, Jan.2017, Vol.74, #1, p.61.

“Samuel Budd, A Multi-Talented Gunsmith from Indiana,” Muzzle Blasts, July 2019, Vol.80. #1, p.28.

“The John W. Hundley Pistol, a Kentucky Treasure,” Muzzle Blasts, Feb. 2021, Vol.82, No.6., p.66.  

“An Important Kentucky Rifle Comes Home," Muzzle Blasts, March 2023, Vol. 84, #7, pp.28-30.

“The John W. Hundley Pistol, a Kentucky Treasure” (reprint), Muzzle Blasts, July 2024, Vol.85, No.11., p.34.

Articles on Powder Horns

“Mercer County, Ohio, Carved Powder Horns and Their Rooster Headed Eagles,” Gun Report, August 2001, Vol.47, #3, p.20.

“The Elusive Mercer County, Ohio Powder Horn Carver, ‘W.D.’” Muzzle Blasts, Dec. 2016, Vol.74, #5, p.42.

“An Important Tansel Horn Comes Home to Indiana,” Muzzle Blasts, Nov. 2001, Vol.63, #3, p.4.

“Indiana’s Folk Artists in Horn, The Tansel Family,” Gun Report, Feb. 2000, Vol.59, #5, p.16.

“The Tansel Powder Horn,” Muzzle Blasts, Jan. 1998, Vol.59, #5, p.7.

“The Tansel Horns of Fort Meigs,” Gun Report, Feb. 2002, Vol.47, #9, p.16.

“Tansel Horns from Ohio,” Muzzle Blasts, March 1999, Vol.60, #7, p.65.

“Early Tansel Powder Horns from Kentucky, Part I,” Muzzle Blasts, Nov. 2006, Vol.68, #3.

“Early Tansel Powder Horns from Kentucky, Part II,” Muzzle Blasts, Dec. 2006, Vol.68, #4, p.4.

“The Art and Craft of Sketching Powder Horns," published in The Hartley Horn Drawings - A Collection of Horn Drawings by Robert Hartley, The Honourable Company of Horners, Huntington, PA, 2010, pp.10-15. 

Articles in the Kentucky Rifle Association Bulletin
Note: articles reprinted in The Kentucky Rifle Association, Selected Articles from the KRA Bulletin (Volume 1-30), H.J. Bishop, Editor, Cadmus-Science Press Division, Ephrata, PA, 2005

“Longrifles of Kentucky, The Bardstown School of Gunsmiths,” Vol.13, No.2.

“Henry E. Leman, Last of the Great Lancaster Gunsmith,” Vol.16, No.2.

“Jacob S. Paulmer, Indiana Gunsmith of Note,” Vol.11, No.3.

Articles in The Association of Ohio Longrifle Collectors Bulletin

“The Art and Mystery of Ohio Gunsmith John Young,” Aug. 1989, p.10.

“Jacob S. Paulmer, Master of Relief Carved Rifles in the Percussion Era of Riflemaking,” Part I, Oct. 1992, p.2.

“Jacob S. Paulmer, Master of Relief Carved Rifles in the Percussion Era of Riflemaking,” Part II, Oct. 1992, p.2.

“Henry Humbarger, Gunmaker of Perry Co., Ohio and Whitley Co., Indiana,” Aug. 1993, p.2.

“Tansel Powder Horns From Ohio,” Feb. 1998, p.2.

“George Wareham, an Indiana Gunmaker from Ohio,” Feb. 1999, p.2.

“Carved Powder Horns of Mercer County, Ohio,” Aug. 2001, p.8.